Exploring by the Seat of Your Pants! – Online Classroom In Action June 8, 2016
Few people know that Bell Island, Newfoundland, Canada was directly attacked during World War II. In 1942, German U-boats twice raided the island in an attempt to disrupt the flow of high grade iron ore being transported from mines on the island. This high grade ore was used to supply steel critical to the war effort. Germans knew that if they could disrupt the flow of ship building materials, even temporarily, then the Allied war efforts would be seriously affected. In two separate attacks, U-boats sunk the SS Saganaga and SS Lord Strathcona followed by the SS Rose Castle, Free French vessel PLM 27 and the loading wharf on Bell Island. In all, 70 men were killed. The sheer temerity of the attack awakened North Americans that they were now on the front line of the Battle of the Atlantic.
Today, divers can visit these remarkable war graves. A short distance from shore, experienced divers can plunge into the cold water and explore shipwrecks resplendent with colorful marine growth. Submerged wrecks become artificial reefs and when they are situated in rich waters like Conception Bay, Newfoundland, they become magnets for biodiversity.
In 2007, a team of cave divers visited Bell Island to explore the submerged mines located there. Over 16 square kilometers with 100 of kms of mine tunnels plunge beneath Bell Island and under the sea floor of Conception Bay where the WWII wrecks reside. Abandoned decades ago, these mine passages are now flooded. Exploration of these passages revealed a trove of artifacts and the cultural history of mining. The tunnels contain mining relics, pipes, heavy equipment and remarkable graffiti that tells the story of miners who died during their work on Bell Island.
In February 2016, a comprehensive expedition has been organized with cooperation from the Bell Island Historical Society. When the mine was flooded in 1966, there was no record of what remained in the mine. The Minequest project is planning exploration, survey and cartography, inventory and documentation of artifacts, human physiology testing for decompression stress, and studies to DNA type biology living within this environment. The goal of the team is to turn over visual assets to the Bell Island Historical Society and assist them in developing educational materials for the Museum at Mine #2. There are no plans to remove any artifacts for conservation at this time. Additionally, the team is developing an infrastructure and safe diving protocols that can be used by future visiting cave divers on Bell Island.
Expeditions of this nature are only feasible through the generous support of team sponsors as well as manufacturers that provide sustaining support to individuals within the team. Project divers have also made this exploration work possible through significant personal financial commitment and donation of valuable time and expertise.

Preparing the mine for cave diving activities is no small task. A team of dedicated volunteers has been putting in countless hours of hard labor with shovels and picks. They have been cleaning the slope, installing work tables, decks, lighting and plumbing for cleanup. We are grateful for their efforts. Rick Stanley, Mark and Marcia McGowan, John Olivero, Nick Dawe, Kyle Morgan, Teresita (Teddy) McCarthy, Des McCarthy, Ron Reid, and Bonnie & Tom Spracklin.
Thanks also to the entire team and Board of Directors of the Bell Island Historical Society for their permission and support in exploring this important cultural resource.
More people have walked on the moon, than have been to some of the places that Jill’s exploration has taken her right here on the earth. From the most dangerous technical dives deep inside underwater caves, to searching for never before seen ecosystems inside giant Antarctic icebergs, to the lawless desert border area between Egypt and Libya while a civil war raged around her, Jill’s curiosity and passion about our watery planet is the driving force in her life.
In recognition of her lifetime achievement, Jill was awarded the first Sir Christopher Ondaatje Medal for Exploration by the Royal Canadian Geographical Society in 2013.
She has lead expeditions and acted as Diving Safety Director for numerous projects for National Geographic and television networks worldwide. An underwater photo-journalist, she has been responsible for documentation of expeditions around the world for over 20 years.
Jill is a Fellow of the Explorer’s Club and an inductee in the inaugural class of the Women Diver’s Hall of Fame. She received the Wyland ICON Award, an honor she shares with several of her underwater heroes including Jacques Cousteau, Robert Ballard and Dr. Sylvia Earle. She was named a “Living Legend” by Sport Diver Magazine and selected as Scuba Diving Magazine’s “Sea Hero of the Year 2012.”
Jill’s website www.IntoThePlanet.com showcases her photography and international speaking engagements.
Royal Canadian Geographical Society Fellow Steve Lewis is a technical diving instructor trainer, prolific author and marketing expert. He has served as Marketing and Communications director for TDI, Scuba Diving International (SDI) and Emergency Response Diving International (ERDI) the public safety diver certifying branch of International Training.
From 2010 until the present he works as an adventure travel, marketing, and training consultant for various clients in the public and private sectors. He has published dozens of articles about diving and diver training for various publications and has written several textbooks and instructor guides. He has also written The Six Skills and Other Discussions, a guide for technical divers and the very popular book Staying Alive.
Lewis is a member of The Explorers Club and in 2007 led a team that assessed the Bell Island iron ore mine for “condition, safety and feasibility” of future research. Their report provided the Bell Island Heritage Society with important information on artifacts left when mining operations ended in the 1940s.
Royal Canadian Geographical Society Fellow Rick Stanley is the multi award-winning owner of a PADI 5-Star, National Geographic dive facility and adventure resort in Conception Bay South, Newfoundland Canada. Rick has taken on the dual role of ocean conservationist and shipwreck protection advocate, ensuring that both marine life and underwater heritage sites are protected for future generations to enjoy. Rick is working on a federal application for a Historic Site nomination with Parks Canada as his legacy project. He has already worked to ensure that the Bell Island Shipwrecks were designated under the Provincial Historic Sites Commemoration Program. He is the winner of the 2004 Sustainable Tourism for NL, 2005 Sustainable Tourism award for Canada, 2011 Received special designation of the Bell Island Shipwrecks as a monument, 2012 Tourism Technology award for NL, 2014 Tourism Champion award for NL, Commendation Letter from Parks Canada Archeologist Robert Grenier for his role model efforts in preserving Canada’s underwater culture heritage.
Mark retired as a Superintendent in 2013 after serving more than 36 years with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. He has been diving professional for nearly 15 years. He is presently the training coordinator and senior instructor at Ocean Quest Adventures. He holds instructor ratings and higher from SDI, PADI and PADI TecRec. He has been recognized multiple times as a PADI Elite Instructor. Mark is a well travelled explorer who does not discriminate between the green and blue waters of our oceans. He is an avid wreck diver who proclaims the wrecks of Bell Island as some of his favourite dive sites. Mark is trained on multiple rebreathers. He was the dive safety officer for Mine Quest I .
A Newfoundland native, Cas Dobbin is a diving instructor, underwater photographer and a commissioning and startup specialist. His work in the oil and gas industry includes development and implementation of safety and emergency procedures, supervision and project management, working in high risk environments, performing risk assessments on critical activities, coordination of various disciplines to safely meet deadlines and achieve project milestones.
Most recently Cas has been trained at the instructor level in the Diving Emergency Management Provider program offered by Divers Alert Network, a highly regarded dive safety organization.
Over a 10 year career Cas has developed into a leader, mentor and role model in an industrial setting, this has carried over into his work in diving and exploration. His diverse technical abilities and safety supervisory experience in addition to his experience in cave diving and underwater lighting and photography are a perfect compliment to the team.
Residing in Newfoundland, John Olivero is a professional adventurer, leading cultural history, diving and eco tourism trips that introduce visitors to outdoor adventures in Newfoundland. He is a diving instructor and cave diver, boat captain, expedition safety specialist, outdoor guide and cultural historian. He leads visitors on ocean based eco-tours while describing and even singing about Newfoundland’s unique culture. John Olivero has served as a safety specialist, diver and camera operator supporting numerous television specials and scientific expeditions in Newfoundland including preliminary exploration of the Bell Island Mine in 2015.
Shine has been diving since 1986. She has dived all over the world, from the Arctic to the Antarctic, in the lake of Baikal in Russia but also on the dry Tortugas, Philippines and Indonesia. She writes for numerous magazines in the German language including TAUCHEN, WETNOTES and TAUCHER Revue. She is also a speaker at international conferences. Sabine has also explored many submerged mines around the world including:
Tuna Hastberg, Sweden
Kobanya, Hungary
Ojamo, Finland
Nutlar, Christine, Schwalefeld, and Felsendome Rabestein, Germany
Uranium mine, Poland
Opal mine Slowakia
as well as several hundred wrecks and caves down to 100+m deep.
Phil has been diving professionally and exploring for 20 years and has logged over 6000 dives in caves and open water using both open and closed circuit equipment.
He started diving in 1990 from a background of dry caving and climbing and at first only completed diver training to pass short flooded sections of dry caves in Mendip and South Wales. He then continued his diver training through the PADI system with Course Director Steve Axtell and in 1991 he qualified as a PADI instructor and began teaching full time, working his way up to Master Instructor.
During this period Phil continued cave diving and began developing his Technical Diving skills through training with Kevin Gurr and in 1993 was involved in forming one of the first Trimix wreck diving teams in the UK. He is now one of the UK’s foremost IANTD Instructor Trainer Trainers and the Training director of IANTD UK in addition to being a member of the IANTD HQ Board of Advisors.
Having devoted all his free time to developing his Technical skills, Phil began to use them for cave diving, his true passion, on expeditions to Mallorca, France, Spain, Canada, Russia, Greece and Mexico. At the same time, he began teaching first open then closed circuit technical and cave diving full time for Phoenix Oceaneering.
Over the years, Phil has been involved in film projects for ITV, BBC, Discovery and Channel 4 on the M1 submarine, the shipwrecks from the battle of Jutland and cave diving projects in Northern Spain ‘The Road to Certain Death’, the UK ‘Secret Underground’ and Southern Mexico ‘Curiosity. The Cave’ along with training the presenters and assisting in the BBC series ‘Oceans’.
He has also taken part as a closed circuit rebreather diver in several shipwreck search projects in the Western Pacific and the Gulf of Mexico.
As an educator Phil has trained diver from groups such as the HSE, BBC, Police Dive teams, DSTL, NOAA, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI), the Archaeological department of the National Museum of China and the US National Parks Service.
For the last five years Phil has ben a team diver and Dive Safety Officer for a combined WHOI and Greek Ephorate of Antiquities project to rediscover, survey and excavate the Antikythera Mechanism wreck in Greece.
After completion of a 3 month cave exploration project with Bill Stone, where 45 days were spent underground, Phil became a member of the Explorers Club.
Gemma started diving in 2008 and has been diving professionally for 4 years. She has logged over 2000 dives in caves and open water using both open and closed circuit equipment.
She completed her diver training through the PADI system and in 2012 she qualified as a PADI instructor and began teaching full time, working her way up to Master SCUBA Diver Trainer and earning Elite Instructor status in 2015.
Gemma has received two PADI commendations for teaching excellence.
During this period Gemma also began developing her Technical Diving skills, training up to Hypoxic Trimix Open and Closed Circuit and Full Cave Open and Closed Circuit.
Gemma worked as an instructor full time at one of the Caribbean’s busiest Technical Diving centres, Dive Tech Grand Cayman, during which time she was lead guide on one of the Inner Space boats, guided Technical dives, became an IANTD CCR Instructor and was bottom diver on a 150 metre camera test dive for housing manufacturer Nauticam.
Over the past year she has specialised in Cave diving, assisting in 9 separate cave classes and becoming an IANTD Introductory Cave Instructor for both Open and Closed Circuit.
Gemma has trained extensively in Diving related first aid qualifying as a First Person On Scene (FPOS), HSE First Aid At Work and Diver Medical Technician (DMT).
As an educator Gemma has trained, supervised and guided divers from groups such as Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI), and the US National Parks Service.
Throughout the last year Gemma has been a team diver and team medic working on joint projects between WHOI and the Greek Ephorate of Antiquities including the Mentor Wreck in Kythera and the Antikythera Mechanism wreck in Antikythera.
In 2015 Gemma received the Suunto Guiding Star from Cristina Zenato and took it with her on a 2.2 kilometre penetration to surface the Bivouac Chamber of the Emergence de Ressel in France.
Assistant Operations & Logistics Manager: Keith is the Programs and Operations Manager at Ocean Quest Adventures. His current duties and those performed in his previous employment in the retail and tourism industry provides him with a sound foundation in business operations, finance, sales, marketing, administration and human resources. In his spare time you will find him hiking, camping, kayaking or snowmobiling if he’s not hunting or fishing. Keith is an aspiring scuba diver
Dr. Dawn Kernagis is a biomedical researcher and has been a diver (including cave, technical and free diving) since 1993.
Dawn is a Research Scientist at the Institute for Human and Machine Cognition (IHMC), where she is developing new ways to optimize performance and resilience for humans operating in extreme environments, such as undersea divers, high altitude aviators and astronauts. She is also a member of the Department of Defense’s Genetic and Synthetic Biology Research Advisory Committee.
In 2008, Dawn became the first Predoctoral Award recipient from the Office of Naval Research’s (ONR) Undersea Medicine Program while completing her PhD at Duke University. Following her initial ONR project, Dawn received two additional awards from ONR for research on the genetics of decompression sickness and the mechanisms of CNS oxygen toxicity in divers. Dawn has also worked with numerous diving biomedical projects at Duke, DAN, and the Karolinska Institute in Sweden.
From 1996 – 2007, Dawn was a diver and manager with the deep underwater cave exploration team, the Woodville Karst Plain Project. She managed multiple world record-breaking deep cave dives, including the historic connection and swim-through cave dives between Turner Sink and Wakulla Springs in 2007. She was a diver and consultant for Project Merida (cave exploration in Mexico), Ocean Discovery (exploration of Baltic shipwrecks), Project Alviela (cave exploration in Portugal), and the Nesbitt Springs Project (cave exploration in the Ozark Mountains).
Dawn is a mentor and a member of the Board of Directors for Water Women Inc., founder and director of Project Pink Tank, and a volunteer with the Rubicon Foundation. She was also the first Operations Manager for Global Underwater Explorers. Based on her career in underwater exploration and research, Dawn was featured as a ‘Mentor’ in Jill Henierth and Renee Power’s book ‘Women Underwater’ and has been selected as a member of the Women Divers Hall of Fame, Class of 2016.
Neal is a Canadian academic and diver. Born in Edmonton, Canada he completed a bachelor’s degree in zoology; the first three years at University of Alberta and the final year at the University of British Columbia. After completing a Master’s degree he then served as diving officer at University of British Columbia for almost five years. He then moved to Florida and completed a doctorate in exercise physiology/environmental physiology at Florida State University. Neal is the Research Director at Divers Alert Network, a Senior Research Associate at the Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and Environmental Physiology at Duke University Medical Center, a member of the Board of the American Academy of Underwater Sciences Foundation, a member of the Advisory Board of Divewise, chair of the International Breath Hold Blackout Task Force, and a member of Editorial Board of Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine.
His academic training is in zoology/marine science, exercise physiology and environmental physiology; his research interests focus on human health and safety in extreme environments. Neal developed and maintains a breath-hold incident database for DAN that includes cases from 2004 forward. Summaries and case reports have appeared in DAN annual reports since 2005 and a variety of other publications. Neal co-organised and edited the proceedings of the 2005 Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society / Divers Alert Network ‘Diabetes and Recreational Diving: Guidelines For The Future Workshop. He co-chaired the Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society / Divers Alert Network 2006 breath-hold workshop and co-edited the proceedings published from that meeting. Neal was part of organising team behind the 2012 international safety symposium; Rebreather Forum 3 and co-edited the subsequent proceedings.
Site Safety/Medic: For thirty years Jack was a a member of the St. John’s Regional Fire Department, retiring in 2008 after attaining the rank of Fire Captain. He was cross-trained for the roles of firefighter/Emergency Medical/Rescue. Since 2008 he has held various posts as a health and safety advisor and instructor. Jack has successfully completed many occupational health and safety courses. He has been deemed an expert in many areas of occupational health and safety and has earned instruct ratings for many of the disciplines. He is certified as a St. John Ambulance First Aid Instructor (All Levels), Ship’s Medic A / Canadian Coast Guard (Contract Instructor 15 years) and Transport Canada – Instructor Marine Advanced First Aid Instructor. Jack is a PADI Rescue Diver Rescue. Diver.
Robert Osborne is a multi-award winning journalist with extensive experience in long format documentaries, daily news, current affairs and magazine writing. During his 30 years in television, radio, print and on line, he has worked around the world in virtually every format under most conceivable conditions. He spent his first 10 years in the business as an on-air reporter for CBC and for Global National News. He spent the last 20 years working as a Field Producer for W5, CTV National News, Marketplace and CityNews. In that capacity he was virtually self assigning and conducted all of the significant research for his investigations. Robert has also worked extensively in the digital domain, creating content, designing and constructing web pages. He has worked for the past two years as Editor for Xray Magazine and writes a regular blog for the Huffington Post. For the past three years he has worked as the Senior Producer of Dam Builder Productions, a company that creates documentaries and innovative web pages. The company has produced pieces for the CBC’s “The Nature of Things” and PBS’s “Nature.” They have also collaborated with National Geographic on their series “Drugs Inc.” Dam Builder currently has two projects in development: a documentary with the National Film Board and a second one with CBC’s “Firsthand.” In addition to his work on line and in television, Robert has simultaneously developed a career in print journalism, researching and writing freelance articles for the Toronto Star, Globe and Mail and National Post. He also writes for a wide selection of magazines around the world. Finally, Robert has been shooting material for stories for nearly 20 years—his video was frequently used on national programs at both the CBC and CTV. He also edits stories using Final Cut Pro. During the last thirty years Robert has won seven RTNDA awards (for Best On-going News Coverage, Best Feature Program and Best Investigative Documentary,) several gold medals from the New York Film Festival, a CAJ award for Investigative Journalism, (two additional finalist nominations) two Prix Aniks (CBC) and a Chris award from the Columbus Film Festival. He has also been nominated six times for Gemini’s (two wins for his stories.) In 2009 he received a Citation of Merit from the Governor General’s Michener Awards for a documentary on a lack of police accountability in Canada. In 2013 Robert was nominated for a Canadian Screen Award for an item he produced for CTV. In 2014 Dam Builder was nominated for a CSA award for best science documentary. This year a Dam Builder project has been submitted by PBS for consideration at the Emmys.
Stefanie Martina actively supports research initiatives at Divers Alert Network (DAN) and Duke University Medical Center in Durham, NC. She gained diving physiology research experience with DAN, the Center for Hyperbaric Medicine and Environmental Physiology at Duke, and initially with the US Navy Experimental Diving Unit. She is a certified phlebotomist and trained in utilizing transthoracic echocardiography for assessment of decompression stress.
More people have walked on the moon, than have been to some of the places that Jill’s exploration has taken her right here on the earth. From the most dangerous technical dives deep inside underwater caves, to searching for never before seen ecosystems inside giant Antarctic icebergs, to the lawless desert border area between Egypt and Libya while a civil war raged around her, Jill’s curiosity and passion about our watery planet is the driving force in her life.
In recognition of her lifetime achievement, Jill was awarded the first Sir Christopher Ondaatje Medal for Exploration by the Royal Canadian Geographical Society in 2013.
She has lead expeditions and acted as Diving Safety Director for numerous projects for National Geographic and television networks worldwide. An underwater photo-journalist, she has been responsible for documentation of expeditions around the world for over 20 years.
Jill is a Fellow of the Explorer’s Club and an inductee in the inaugural class of the Women Diver’s Hall of Fame. She received the Wyland ICON Award, an honor she shares with several of her underwater heroes including Jacques Cousteau, Robert Ballard and Dr. Sylvia Earle. She was named a “Living Legend” by Sport Diver Magazine and selected as Scuba Diving Magazine’s “Sea Hero of the Year 2012.”
Jill’s website www.IntoThePlanet.com showcases her photography and international speaking engagements.
A Newfoundland native, Cas Dobbin is a diving instructor, underwater photographer and a commissioning and startup specialist. His work in the oil and gas industry includes development and implementation of safety and emergency procedures, supervision and project management, working in high risk environments, performing risk assessments on critical activities, coordination of various disciplines to safely meet deadlines and achieve project milestones.
Most recently Cas has been trained at the instructor level in the Diving Emergency Management Provider program offered by Divers Alert Network, a highly regarded dive safety organization.
Over a 10 year career Cas has developed into a leader, mentor and role model in an industrial setting, this has carried over into his work in diving and exploration. His diverse technical abilities and safety supervisory experience in addition to his experience in cave diving and underwater lighting and photography are a perfect compliment to the team.
Royal Canadian Geographical Society Fellow Rick Stanley is the multi award-winning owner of a PADI 5-Star, National Geographic dive facility and adventure resort in Conception Bay South, Newfoundland Canada. Rick has taken on the dual role of ocean conservationist and shipwreck protection advocate, ensuring that both marine life and underwater heritage sites are protected for future generations to enjoy. Rick is working on a federal application for a Historic Site nomination with Parks Canada as his legacy project. He has already worked to ensure that the Bell Island Shipwrecks were designated under the Provincial Historic Sites Commemoration Program. He is the winner of the 2004 Sustainable Tourism for NL, 2005 Sustainable Tourism award for Canada, 2011 Received special designation of the Bell Island Shipwrecks as a monument, 2012 Tourism Technology award for NL, 2014 Tourism Champion award for NL, Commendation Letter from Parks Canada Archeologist Robert Grenier for his role model efforts in preserving Canada’s underwater culture heritage.
Residing in Newfoundland, John Olivero is a professional adventurer, leading cultural history, diving and eco tourism trips that introduce visitors to outdoor adventures in Newfoundland. He is a diving instructor and cave diver, boat captain, expedition safety specialist, outdoor guide and cultural historian. He leads visitors on ocean based eco-tours while describing and even singing about Newfoundland’s unique culture. John Olivero has served as a safety specialist, diver and camera operator supporting numerous television specials and scientific expeditions in Newfoundland including preliminary exploration of the Bell Island Mine in 2015.
Trisha Stovel is a dive instructor, cave explorer and underwater videographer with over 1500 dives under her belt. She decided early on that video was the perfect way to capture behaviours and interactions amongst marine life, and especially how divers interact with the ocean environment.
She has worked on projects for Canon, Tourism BC, manufacturer AUP, training agency Performance Freediving International, and shot the first underwater video for a Discovery segment on the wreck HMCS Annapolis. Her work has been published in DIVER magazine and Scuba Diver Life.
She is an experienced Diving Safety Officer, teaching the scientific diving program in British Columbia, has worked as a hyperbaric chamber tender, and given talks at dive shows and high schools. She worked with a team of divers as part of a clearance team after the sinking of an artificial reef, also shooting topside and underwater video for a forthcoming documentary.
She co-founded Seaproof.tv, a young company that produces a variety of videos for the diving industry including our ‘Minimentaries.’
Russell found a way to merge his love of exploration with his passion for media production. He juggles his video and design work through Seaproof.tv, as well as being Art Director, and acting Editor of DIVER magazine in North America.
Russell’s media background began with newspapers when he was 16 years old, and continued through to Group Art Director of Digital Magazines at Dennis Publishing in London. Although he has worked on dozens of titles as Art Director, Designer, Writer, or Photographer, his focus was in pioneering digital magazine publishing, accumulating as Art Director on award winning interactive titles for Sir David Attenborough, and Disney. Russ also launched his own interactive iPad magazine; Earth Periodical. An early adopter of interactive technology, ‘EP’ focused on exploration and conservation.
He is now Co-Director of Seaproof.tv with his partner Trisha Stovel. The is company designed to explore, document and share interesting stories, primarily related to the ocean in addition to offering cost effective video, and design services to help promote scuba diving.


Toronto Star Insight – August 14, 2016
Atlas Obscura – Nov. 11, 2015
Canadian Geographic – November 24, 2015
LISTEN: Rick Stanley on CBC – January 2016
CBC News Carries the Story of Upcoming Expedition
Voice of the Common Man (VOCM) – February 2016
DIVER Magazine – June 2016
Canadian Geographic – June 2016
Tauchen – June 2106
Alert Diver – July 2016
SCUBA – August 2016
WTLX News in South Carolina reports on Midland kids participating in TED Ed session with Jill Heinerth
Suunto Sports Page Features Bell Island Project
Great article to inspire kids
CBC Covers Expedition Nation Wide
Radio Canada Feature with Video
Western Star Article

See live presentations about ongoing work of this project!
January 23, 2016, 2016 – Our World Underwater, Frisco, Texas – Saturday Film Show – Presenter Jill Heinerth
February 24, 2016, 2016 – Canadian Association of Underwater Scientists, St. John’s, Newfoundland – Presenter Jill Heinerth on Operation Safety on Diving Expeditions, Rick Stanley will present the Bell Island Expedition
February 26, 2016, 2016 – Our World Underwater, Chicago – Friday Film Show – presenter Jill Heinerth
Friday March 18, 2016 – Ghost Ships Festival, Milwaukee – Friday Night Keynote – presenter Jill Heinerth
Saturday April 9, 2016 – Niagara Divers Shipwreck Conference, Welland, Ontario – presenter Jill Heinerth
Saturday April 16, 2016 – ADEX – Singapore – presenter Jill Heinerth
Saturday, April 23, 2016 – TekDive USA – Miami – presenters Jill Heinerth, Steve Lewis, Phil Short, Gemma Smith
May 2016 – Rebreather Week – Grand Cayman – presenter Jill Heinerth
June 8 World Oceans Day – Exploring by The Seat of Your Pants – Online Classroom
June 8 World Oceans Day – Ripley’s Aquarium of Canada
August 10, 2016 – Port Credit, Ontario
August 12, 2016 – TED Clubs Online
August 18, 2016 – Roche Canada
September 21, 2016 – Hearthstone, Oakville, Canada
October 22, 2016 – BSAC Annual Conference, Birmingham, England
November 7, 2016 – Brookside Public School, Toronto
November 8, 2016 – McMurrich Junior Public School, Toronto
November 9, 2016 – D.A. Morrison, Toronto
November 10, 2016 – Greenbriar Public School, Toronto
November 11, 2016 – Gordon Graydon Memorial Secondary School, Mississauga
November 15, 2016 – École secondaire catholique Paul-Desmarais, Ottawa

This morning I met with students from classrooms across North America to share the underwater geography of Canada. This month women explorers will share their work on Exploring by The Seat of Your Pants online classroom sessions. 50 hangouts will reach hundreds of classrooms around the world! Check out the archive if you missed my talk!
In 2016, I embarked on the Royal Canadian Geographical Society’s Expedition of the Year: The Hidden Geography of Newfoundland. This project documented little-known history when the Battle of the Atlantic arrived on North American shores. On two separate raids, U-boats sunk four vessels in Newfoundland waters and destroyed a loading pier for the strategic Bell Island iron ore mine. Recently, I received first-hand confirmation regarding rumors surrounding the involvement of a spy in the sinking of the vessels Saganaga and Lord Strathcona. Newfoundland resident Lloyd Walker reached out to me to describe an encounter he had as a young boy…