Matching Your Backup Computer to Your Rebreather
If you are like me, you might have a backup CCR computer that is loaded with a different algorithm that your rebreather. Owning more than one rebreather, I want to know that the algorithm is a reasonably close match for each unit. Ryan Crawford from the UK has made some comparison profiles on different algorithms to help CCR divers see how different computer algorithms match up on different rebreathers. The comparisons are made to a depth of 45m so that air is used as the diluent. This keeps the comparisons within the scope of recreational rebreather diving. He compared the following algorithms: Suunto Fused RGM – found in the DX watch-sized CCR computer Gradient Factors – AP Projection VPM-B – V-Planner DCAP – Poseidon WeDive VGM – VR Proplanner Comparisons were made using some commonly used settings as described below: Suunto Fused RGM at five available settings Gradient Factors as recommend from the AP Inspiration Vision manual 90/95, 50/90 and 15/85 VPM-B settings of 0 and +2 DCAP in Poseidon WeDive app replicates the Poseidon MKVI actual dive data VGM carried out with zero bubble control As far as possible all other settings were kept the same, such as descent and ascent rates etc. The following data is intended as a guide only and should be individually verified. The setpoint for 15m and shallower has been left at 0.7 bar and switches to 1.3 bar at 18m as might be expected for actual dives.