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Ladies First for Sedna

By | All Posts, Cave Diving, Rebreather Diving, Sedna Expedition, Women Underwater | No Comments

The mailman just arrived with my box of goodies for the Sedna Expedition in the Arctic. The Ladies First suit totally exceeded my expectations. I was so excited I couldn’t even wait for my husband to get home to take a photo! I’ll prepare some videos and pics to show you how the heating system works, but if you are thinking of getting a new suit, this is it! I’ll get it wet tomorrow!!      

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Rebreather Diving Buoyancy

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Minimal Loop Volume I recently received an email from a diver who was having a bit of a struggle with buoyancy on his new rebreather. An experienced rebreather diver, he was diving a back mounted counterlung for the first time and wondered whether this was a part of his frustration. My advice to him included two things. The first step was to work on achieving comfortable minimum loop volume, which entails exhaling additional volume until your deepest inhalation just begins to trickle the ADV. At this volume, any molecules of oxygen that are used up are replaced by the solenoid…

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The Colonel

By | All Posts, Robert McClellan | No Comments

His long, angular brown face is crowned with a neatly groomed shock of closely cropped white hair. Pinned to the collar of his yellow windbreaker is the eagle device of a full-bird Army colonel. Over his heart is an american flag pin and a miniature silver star medal. The sofa on which he sits is too low for his height, and his lanky legs with bent knees are splayed outward in front of him. Cream colored argyle socks complement his spit shined soft brown oxfords. In the lobby of the Lake City V.A. Medical Center, sits a huge flat-screened television….

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Bullshit and Lies

By | All Posts, Robert McClellan | No Comments

“Robert, are you an alcoholic?” Dick asks. His eyes are clear and icy blue. He looks directly at me and I feel powerful pure energy shooting right to the darkest places in my heart. The honesty of his question catches me off guard. I am accustomed to people beating around the bush about such things. I sit and wonder what is his ulterior motive. I don’t like Dick. The second counselor, Charlie, picks up the thread of the query, “Do you consider yourself an alcoholic, Robert?” There is something disconcerting about being in my full dress Navy uniform with all the…

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Gun Wars

By | All Posts, Robert McClellan | No Comments

Holy American Guns, Amen. I am surrounded by guns. In the rural area of North Florida where I live it is normal to hear gunshots every single day. People hunt on the open acreage adjoining my property. Half way down my dirt driveway, a quarter mile before it joins the asphalt county road, is a thirty-acre dirt pit. This pit has been used for generations of shooters as an impromptu gun range. I don’t flinch when I hear rounds going off at any hour of the day or night. (You know that scene that pops up in country music videos?…

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