I decided to integrate my Hollis Katana sidemount rig into my PRISM2 CCR with backmounted counterlungs. I did this to make travel more streamlined since I am often working on projects that require a quick switch from CCR to sidemount from dive to dive. Now I can travel with less gear by making everything dual-purpose. The entire switch can be made in a minute without the need for tools.
It is important to note that any time you change the position of the breathing loop in relation to your lung’s centroid, then you will change work of breathing in the CCR. With the counterlungs behind the air cell of the Katana, they will be further away from my lungs and that should theoretically have an effect on work of breathing. I did not notice any detrimental results but want all viewers to be aware that if you choose to make this unendorsed change to your rig, then you are a test pilot with no scientific data to back up the safety of the modifications.