In February at Hornby Island, British Columbia, Stellar and California Sea Lions rest on the rocks while they await their favorite time of year. In a matter of a few short weeks, the herring will spawn, turning the water a milky white, and offering up a smorgasbord for the marine mammals. While they wait rather impatiently, they seem to be looking for stimulation. We arrive in a small boat and anchor well away from their haul out point and it isn’t long before we see groups peel off the rocks and swim toward us. Even before we can don our scuba gear, they have surrounded the boat. One surfaces with a nose covered with bottom paint and barks at us to hurry up. Within moments of jumping in the water, I am engulfed by graceful animals. They nip at my suit, tug on my fins and spit bubbles at my camera dome. Individuals peer into the glass to see their reflections, returning numerous times to look again. This is my favorite time of year in British Columbia when I get a chance to interact with animals on their terms. I can’t help but giggle as they show off and horse around. There are few things as exhilarating as this!