Ruby Banwait our Chief Scientist has brought along mini-aquariums that can be set up at locations along our route. At each community we fill the aquariums with sea water and then go on a collecting dive, bringing back a variety of animals for a short vacation in our tank. The tanks are set up so that one is at eye level for small kids and another is easy to reach into. We show the kids how to gently hold some of the critters and teach them about how they eat and feed. We also share messages about keeping the ocean clean and protecting the habitat for sea life. Ruby is also teaching the team the fun stories we can share to inspire, gross out, and engage the children.
At the end of the activities, we have a release party where the kids help us bag up the animals and return them to the sea. The bits of garbage we collected underwater are disposed of properly and hopefully a seed is planted to prevent future litter.
The experience of working with the kids is moving. They are so enthusiastic about learning and many left us email contact information so we can keep in touch and perhaps pair them with girls in other parts of the world.