Dive into the remarkable underwater vistas of Canada through this series in Scuba Diving Magazine.
From the Arctic to the Pacific, Atlantic, and Great Lakes/St. Lawrence Seaway, Canada has the longest coastline in the world. Eight percent of the landscape is covered by lakes, greater than any other country. I’ll never be able to experience more than a drop in the bucket of diving opportunities, but last year, I completed my goal to take a plunge in every province and territory. This five-part web series offers a peek into what gets Canadian divers excited about their home waters.

When you visit the Maritimes region of Atlantic Canada, you are likely to meet your new family. Just ask the fortuitous visitors whose planes diverted to Gander, Newfoundland, after the attacks of 9/11. They discovered that the generosity and kindness of eastern Canadians are unequaled. A popular stage play called “Come from Away” is based on the experiences of that fateful day. Once you have been a part of a Maritime kitchen party, you’ll agree. READ MORE.